Elliott Auctions LLC
We are very happy to finally announce our second annual End of Year Auction!
Saturday December 31st @10:00am EST (Indianapolis time)
Just like last year this auction will be a nice mix of toys and collectibles. We expect to be listing: Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments, Dept. 56 and Dickens Village, Beanie Babies, Barbies, Die-Cast Cars, Toy Trains, Coin Banks, and possibly more as we get closer to the auction date.
Please go to www.elliottauctions.com to register to bid. Here you can view the multiple photos and read the descriptions.
As always we want to remind our newer customers to think about downloading our app which works with both Apple and Android devices.
If you’re thinking about consigning a collection call our office today so we can set your auction in motion.
We will be scheduling, toy train auctions, die-cast car auctions, model kit auctions, decorative artwork auctions, Flowblue China auctions, and More early in 2023.
Elliott Auctions LLC
Gregory Elliott owner/auctioneer
TCA 12-67544
1581 N. Main St.
Attica, IN 47918
[email protected]