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Live Auction, Timed Auction

Christmas in July Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments

July 30, 2022

Elliott Auctions is excited to offer “Christmas In July” Saturday July 30th 10 A.M EDT. Join us for another fabulous collection of Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments, Lynn Chase and Lenox! Some of these great collections include, Disney, Tonka, Barbie, Beer Steins, Star Trek, Nostalgic Houses & Shops and so much more.

Keep an eye out for more upcoming Hallmark Keepsake Auctions timed and live over the next couple months. Many more exciting collection to come!

Please view all the photos of the items,  as they are being sold as they are shown in our photos with NO returns. Ornaments have not been tested..

As always, we will be providing IN HOUSE shipping as well as pickups by scheduled appointment. We are always accepting consignments for  upcoming auctions. Please visit our website to see upcoming auctions and register to bid. While your there be sure to download our app so you can keep us with you on the go.

Gregory Elliott owner/auctioneer

Dawn Addler collectibles expert


Elliott Auctions LLC

[email protected]


Auction starts at:

10:00 am

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